Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm so bad at this now

8:36 P.M.: Sitting and thinking about days events.
Yesterday went out to dinner with Party BFF. Loved it. then went to Blaggards. Loved it.
Left my left overs in the Blaggards fridge on accident. Stupid waitress bitch threw it away today.
SO PISSED. $30 of Paella down the fucking drain. I hate that bitch.
Come home to my ass hole neighbor blaring his music. Must leave. Went to Chelsea Market. Bought some apples. About to go get sushi.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day i don't even know what

Okay I KNOW it's been forever since I've posted anything.

Not that anyone reads this, but whatever.

10:58 A.M.: Wake up. Do an hour of yoga.

12:32 P.M.: Feel all of a sudden that I need to make a blog post.

12:37 P.M.: Just got done reading earlier blog posts. Is it weird that my past self makes my present self laugh? Who knows. Decide that I need to keep on my blog every day until I move away. Can't believe I'm moving away. Hate it.

4:44 P.M.: Decide to go get a manicure.

8:48 P.M.: Return home from class. Love the manicure. I've been on a few dates with this guy who's a computer programmer. He keeps asking me to spend the night. WTF dude. I've been on 3 dates with you. No. But I like to keep him around for the occasional date. We're supposed to go to IKEA this weekend. We'll see if that happens.