Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 26

11:07 A.M.: Wake up. Study. Eat a salad. Take a shower.

2:48 P.M.: Go to class. Have a test. Done in 20 minutes.

5:32 P.M.: Walking home. I think a guy said hi to me. We definitely looked at each other. He was cute. But kind of old.

5:54 P.M.: Order food. Eat and watch Scent of a Woman. Good movie.

7:47 P.M.: About to walk to Rockefeller Center. In a good mood today.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 25

So I just got back from Kansas City. Hence lack of posting. I'll start back tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 19

12:30 P.M.: Wake up. Hating it. Desperately want to skip class, but know I can't.

3:09 P.M.: Arrive at class. Had a salad for lunch. Yummy.

6:25 P.M.: Return home. Roommate is here. Surprise. Haven't seen her since Wednesday.

7:13 P.M.: Go over to Party BFF's room to talk about lately goings on and to watch House.

9:22 P.M.: Venture out to return shirt to American Apparel. All they give is store credit. Fuck. Decide to walk to Rockefeller Center. On the way, text Party Promoter. He wants to hang out. I say okay.

12:24 A.M.: After wandering around midtown east, I go to his apartment. So nice. 45th floor. Balcony. Breath taking view. Either way, he's an ass hole. Knew he would be. Thinks every girl that comes over there wants to fuck him. He says it's a "privilege ." I laugh in his face. He tries for 2 hours to get in my pants. Eventually, he gets tired of being turned down, and I leave. What a prick, seriously.

2:32 A.M.: Return home. Roommate is gone. I'm glad. Feel kind of like shit after tonight. Somehow, it's a blow to my self esteem. Know I would feel 10 times worse if I had done anything with that douche bag.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 18

1:37 P.M.: Wake up. Literally, most pointless day ever. Did nothing but homework and watch TV today. Texted back and forth briefly with a Party Promoter. I just think they're most likely all ass holes, even though I've never met one. Oh well. Whatever.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day 17

2:11 P.M.: Wake up. Surprisingly without a hangover. Catch up on last night's happenings with Party BFF. Go get breakfast. Watch Dexter.

7:58 P.M.: Still watching Dexter, getting hungry. Decide to go get a salad. Turns in to an hour long scavenger hunt. Finally get to Pax on 42nd street. How I despise 42nd Street.

10:16 P.M.: Run over to Duane Reade for some cookies, chips and salsa, and Kudos bars.

3:18 A.M.: Realize I've been mindlessly watching Dexter literally all day. Decide to get in bed and watch Up.

3:52 A.M.: Attempt to call Ex-Boyfriend, but surprisingly he picks up. End up talking for an hour and a half about love lost. I cry. He cries. Sad, really. I can't decide if I miss him, or if I just miss having a boyfriend that loves me unconditionally. Is that the same thing? I don't know.

5:21 A.M.: Finally get off the phone. Fall asleep.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 16

1:35 P.M.: Wake up. Decided to skip class because of an awful tummy ache I had the night before. I couldn't get to sleep til 4:30 A.M.

2:12 P.M.: Decide to go get my blood drawn. Something I dread due to traumatic experiences of being dehydrated and stuck multiple times. However, it wasn't bad at all. I walked out with a smile. Feel as though the rest of the day will be good

5:42 P.M.: Go out with intentions of going to MoMA but instead decide to walk to Rockefeller Center, then to Bryant Park. Am feeling particularly happy, and basically have a smile on my face throughout the walk.

7:08 P.M.: Go to Borders to read my New York magazine and start the crossword puzzle.

8:30 P.M.: Arrive back at the room. About to embark on night adventures with Party BFF.

12:11 A.M.: After browsing our neighborhood and the LES for bars that don't card, Party BFF and I decide to go to the pub. Being too nervous to actually go in anywhere, we are completely sober at this point.

3:00 A.M.: After 1 cosmopolitan, 5 Malibu bay breezes, 3 Kamikazes, and 1 joint, I proceed to puke my guts out in the bathroom of the pub. Party BFF being the wonderful person that she is, sticks it out in the bathroom with me as I cry, mumble, and projectile vomit. Then, she walks me home, as I cling to her for dear life. She gets me in my room. I sit on my bathroom floor.

5:47 A.M.: Wake up on bathroom floor. Have recovered to the point of being able to get ready for bed. Do so. Fall asleep deeply regretting my decision to get wasted tonight. Ponder writing a thank you note to Party BFF.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Day 15

1:36 P.M.: Wake up. Blah.

2:05 P.M.: Eat bagel. Watch an episode of Dexter. Take a shower. Go to Kmart. Go to Starbucks. Go to Class. Go get Mexican food. Come home. Eat food. Do laundry. Watch the Real Housewives of Orange County with Party BFF. Finish laundry. Veg out on the computer.

2:11 A.M.: Still vegging. About to watch Season 3 Finale of Dexter. Have yet to open my new New York magazine. Always make myself read the whole thing before I do the crossword puzzle at the end (my favorite part).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 14

12:02 P.M.: Wake up in Jersey. Decide to skip class so I don't have to rush around to catch a train. Plus I didn't even study for the test we're having today.

4:27 P.M.: Back in the city. Heat up some food, watch Dexter. Nice.

7:23 P.M.: Meet up with this guy from NYU. Have no interest in dating him, but I think we could be good friends. And ironically, we have the best "date" I've been on since I've been here. I met him down in the Village, and we just started walking and ended up all the way back in midtown. Then we took the subway back down to the village to this sushi restaurant. Good, but not amazing sushi. Then, we wandered over to the Brooklyn Bridge and walked across and back. I'd never been there, so it was pretty exciting to see the view. By the time we got back across the bridge it was around 12:45 A.M. We tried to get him back in to my place so we could watch a movie or something, but the security guards wouldn't let him in. Oh well. It was a fun night anyways. I really think he's gay, and he just doesn't know it yet. He has a girlfriend in Boston, but whatever.

1:32 A.M.: Arrive home. Watch an episode of Dexter.

3:47 A.M.: Get in bed, then wake up at 6 AM to register for classes, then go back to sleep.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 13

11:30 A.M.: Wake up. Posted an ad on Craigslist last night, just to see what would happen. Ended up with an inbox full of crap. Big surprise. I guess I just like it when random people compliment me. Not seriously considering any of them.

1:45 P.M.: Off to class. Supposed to leave early to meet up with Connecticut, although not really feeling a connection. Realize I have a dermatologist appointment at 4:30. Cancel plans with Connecticut. He does not seem to want to reschedule. Neither do I.

5:02 P.M.: Walk out of the doctor's office with tears in my eyes and an Accutane prescription in my hand. That extracting shit is the most painful thing ever, but at least I'm going to get my Accutane. Even though my skin isn't that bad, it's the only thing that has ever worked to clear anything up. Stop at American Apparel, pick up a few things. Feeling down about the whole dating situation. Decide to end pursuit of perfect guy via the internet and or the iphone. Need to meet someone in real life.

8:02 P.M.: Board a train to Jersey. Going to stay with my cousin, since the roommate is having her friend stay over. That and I felt like getting away. Becoming pretty good friends with this freshman from Boston who goes to NYU. Although we've never met, like so many other of the guys I've been talking to, I have no interest in dating him. He just seems like he will be a nice friend. Decide to give him my number so I can delete WhosHere application on iPhone. We have nice conversations, friendly ones, which is the most important thing. He asks me to go for a walk with him after I've already gotten on the train. I'm disappointed, but not distraught. We'll hang out soon.

10:44 P.M.: Relaxing in Jersey. About to watch Dexter. Feeling content, but know this won't last long.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Day 12

1:27 P.M.: Meet up with Connecticut. Walk through Central Park. Pretty nice, but many lags in the conversation. Not "awkward silences" though. We're there for about an hour, then head back to my place so he can get his bag.

4:02 P.M.: Make out sesh begins. He's kind of one of those "eat your face" kissers unfortunately. And he has weird teeth. Idk how I feel about him. Anyways he tells me I'm gorgeous. Eventually I tell him to slow it down because he's acting like has a year's worth of sexual frustration he wants to get out. Roommate arrives. Introduce them. Connecticut has a meeting, so we make plans to hang out tomorrow around 2.

4:30 P.M.: Go out for pizza with roomie, then to a meeting for a group project at school.

7:35 P.M.: Looking for a place to watch House since roomie wants to watch One Tree Hill. Blah. Will probably have to end up pirating it later.

Day 11

4:29 P.M.: Meet up with Godmother. Have a lovely walk up 5th Ave. Stop at Le Bonne Soupe for dinner. Very relaxed and casual, food was quite good.

6:45 P.M.: Leave Godmother at the bus stop, and then walk home. Was a very nice day. Stopped to get a lip wax on the way home. I felt as though this was a "New York Moment" You can't just get a lip wax at 7:30 PM on a Sunday just anywhere.

7:38 P.M.: Arrive home. Check my mail. Up and Julie and Julia came! I'm excited to watch these. I've seen Up already but not Julie and Julia. Will be perfect for lonely nights at home. Or cute cuddle dates.

11:02 P.M.: Toggle between watching an episode of Dexter, skyping with Party BFF, and Mom. Eventually both hang up and I finish watching Dexter. Decide to take 2 Adavan to help me sleep. Works perfectly, along with adding funny thoughts and goings on in my head. I have to get up early tomorrow for date with Connecticut. I'm pretty nervous. Hopefully things go swimmingly.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 10

1:36 P.M.: Awaken. Feel lazy. Grab breakfast in the rain. Fun.

7:52 P.M.: Party BFF and I discuss going to a show on Broadway, but can't find anything at the tkts booth for cheap. Decide to go out to dinner in Little Italy instead. Was DELICIOUS. Had Bruschetta and Caprese salad as appetizers, then Gnocchi, and Chicken Parmigianna. SO good. Creme Brulet for dessert. Love it.

10:14 P.M.: Arrive home. Text family in Jersey in half hearted hopes of taking the train out there. No response. Oh well. Skype with Mom for about an hour and a half. Helps me finish my crossword puzzle.

1:11 A.M.: Waiting for Season 3 of Dexter to finish downloading. I'm addicted.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Day 9

12:07 P.M.: Arrive at class. Proceed to ace extremely easy math test. First one done, as usual.

1:48 P.M.: Leave class, then go get extensions with party BFF. Spend an hour and a half sewing the clips on. Finally get them in. Now my hair is as long as it used to be before I cut it, I'll just have to learn to put these things in myself.

9:42 P.M.: Go get pizza at my usual place, guy at the counter flirts with me. He's totally ugly, I'm just nice to him because I think maybe one day he'll give me my food for free. Has yet to happen.

10:45 P.M.: Off to the pub with Party BFF. Drank something like 5 drinks and didn't pay a cent all night. Love that. Met a 47 year-old actor that was in a bunch of shows like Law and Order, Rescue Me, and other things. Asks us to come to a play he's currently in, says he'll comp our tickets. Think we should go, I mean if it's free, what the hell.

3:08 A.M.: Wander home without Party BFF. Just got bored and tired and didn't feel like being there anymore. She comes home 45 minutes later, I hear her walk in next door. Overall, uneventful night, becoming more and more common.

Day 8

2:39 P.M.: Get out of bed. Needless to say, didn't make it to MoMA today. Decide to wait until they get the Tim Burton exhibit up on the 22nd.

6:30 P.M.: Arrive at class. Boring, uneventful day as usual. Math test tomorrow. Will be really easy. Hopefully the weekend will bring some excitement.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day 7

7:30 P.M.: Going to a Knicks game with Roommate, her boyfriend, her boyfriend's cute friend, her boyfriend's twin brother, and her boyfriend's twin brother's friend. First ever pro basketball game, first time being in Madison Square Garden. All and all a good time.

11:40 P.M.: Return home. Roommate goes home with all her friends, I stay here. Watch Top Chef, blah blah boring. Plan on going to MoMA tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 6

5:47 P.M.: Out to dinner with Party BFF, one of my favorite Mexican places. Great time! Love her! Roommate finally returned. No more lonely room. Although did enjoy being able to watch Dexter til 3:30 A.M. No recent guy developments, except for becoming even more intrigued with Connecticut. Nothing substantial to report yet, however.

9:10 P.M.: Return home from dinner. Decide to get extensions this weekend. Will get the removable kind.

Day 5

2:58 P.M.: Get 4 cat calls on the way to school. Confidence boost.

12:12 A.M.: Bored out of my mind. Roommate still MIA. Nothing eventful today. Will probably stay up til 2 A.M. watching Dexter. I live in New York City and this is how I spend my evenings. Nice.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 4

7:45 P.M.: Today is boring. Ran some errands. Should be doing homework, but am watching reruns of Bored to Death. Becoming increasingly intrigued with guy from Connecticut. But he's from Connecticut, so doubtful anything will stem. Anyways, today is boring, perhaps tomorrow will bring new fun.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 3

2:30 P.M.: Wake up to a text from my friend from home that goes to culinary school in Hyde Park. He's coming in today, and we're having dinner. The last time he was here, he kissed me, much to my dismay. Hopefully this is just a friendly dinner, I know he knows I didn't want that kiss. There's just something about him that makes me not want a relationship. I'm not sure what it is.

11:58 P.M.: Culinary just left. Thank god. After a fairly pleasant outing to Rockefeller Center, we went to Mesa Grill. The food was DISGUSTING. I expected so much more from a restaurant picked by a culinary student. Anyways, he paid. I left the tip. I believe this makes it a date. He kept trying to hold my hand. I hated it and avoided by keeping hands in my pockets. Then we get back to my house to drink the wine he brought. He scarfs down 4 glasses, asks me to come sit on the bed with him, and I decline. He keeps trying to get close to me. Completely awkward. Asks me if I want him to leave. Why do people ask that. It makes the situation so uncomfortable. Anyways, he leaves.

1:37 A.M.: Sitting in my room. Bored. Wish there was something/someone to keep me entertained. My friend from home that goes to West Point is coming here on Wednesday. We've been involved off and on since 7th grade, he now has a girlfriend. I don't know if anything will happen, or if I want it to, either way, it'll be nice to see a familiar face.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Day 2

11:26 A.M.: Wake up. about to go to class. Hate this stupid class. Have skipped it 2 weeks in a row. Have learned everything he's teaching us in high school. Good possibility we have a test today that I don't know about. Oh well.

2:34 P.M.: Arrive home. Left class half way through due to boredom and hunger. We didn't have a test today; it's next week. Eating a salad for lunch. Think it's ridiculous that the same salad is $2 cheaper at one deli than another deli 4 doors down. However cheaper deli puts way too much dressing. Jersey has texted four times with no response. This is going to be more difficult than I thought.

4:08 P.M.: Jersey has turned to Facebook IM. Forced to move him to my friend list that I keep offline at all times. I was initially going to title this friend list "meanies" but not wanting to look at that negative word all the time, changed the list name to "Christmas," a feel good word, I think.

9:22 P.M.: Just got back from SoHo. Spent some of my birthday money, bought some great things at Guess. Totally Eye-f'd guy on the subway, nothing happened. Dying to meet someone new still, maybe something will happen tonight.

10:30 P.M.: Venture out to the pub with Party BFF. She's my next door neighbor in the building, we get along quite well. As we walk in I see a gorgeous guy, later I decide that he's gay.

11:45 P.M.: Receive text from Jersey. He just won't quit. Don't answer.

1:45 A.M.: Creepy Russian at the end of the bar keeps trying to talk to Party BFF and I, and buy us drinks. Keep avoiding Creepy Russian, he looks like my old gym teacher.

3:00 A.M.: Coke Dealer walks into the pub. Says I stood him up on Monday. Whatever. Says we have a date this Monday. Yeah right.

3:50 A.M.: Party BFF and I stumble over to McDonald's, only to find that they are now serving breakfast and will not give us anything from the regular menu. See one of our RA's and his friend (who is gorgeous) there. Have a nice chat. Gorgeous Friend is from Jersey. I'll call him Jersey 2. Jersey 2 lives two hours away, hopeless.

5:30 A.M.: After chatting with the security guards for 20 minutes and getting food from the diner I finally get in bed. Unproductive night.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Day 1

6:11 P.M.: Decide to do a blog in the format of the Sex Diaries from New York magazine

6:27 P.M.: Arrive at class. Prepare for semi borefest.

8:36 P.M.: Leave class. Became better acquainted with girl sitting next to me. Realize half way through class we're doing a group project together for another class. Decide getting to know her better was a good thing.

8:38 P.M.: Call Mom. Tell her about daily goings on. Talk the 8 blocks home, then hang up.

9:16 P.M.: Feel hungry, but can't decide what to eat. Usual. Wish I wanted fruit, but don't really. Know I need to lose 20 pounds. Decide to decide what to eat later

9:36 P.M.: Decide to eat pizza. That's not totally diet breaking right? Off to Duane Reade to buy thank you cards and Amadeus.

11:12 P.M.: After going to Duane Reade and being unsurprisingly disappointed by the thank you note selection and eating a slice of really yummy, (but probably full of calories) pizza, I watched the season premiere of the Real Housewives of Orange County. Dumb TV that I can't help but watch. I just turned on Seinfeld to make myself feel better about my television preferences. Can't stop wanting a boyfriend, but at the same time hate all the guys currently in the picture. Dying to meet someone worth while. Constantly getting jealous of random couples I see. Bad. Keep having weird "meeting the perfect guy" fantasies. "That bag looks heavy, let me help you with that," sort of thing. If that ever did happen, the guy would probably be hideous, or 50. Friend in the building asked me to go to the pub tonight. Told him I might, knowing that I definitely won't. Roommate is MIA. Not unusual.

11:22 P.M.: Have just decided to discontinue all communication with current guys - Jersey, Borders, Coke Dealer, and Rapid Fire Texter. Jersey is a guy (obviously from Jersey) who lives in my building. This could make things more difficult, but I'll just stop answering his texts. He'll get the message. Borders is a black guy I met at Borders. We went on 2 dates, but I just can't bring myself to be attracted to a black person. That and he's 29. Too old. Coke Dealer I met at the pub. He's half Italian, half Brazilian. I don't want to be involved with a coke dealer, even if he does own restaurants and have an apartment on the upper west side. Finally, Rapid Fire Texter I've never even met. He started talking to me on Who'sHere and I gave him my number (an action I now regret). He hasn't texted me for 2 days (rare) so hopefully he got the hint already. Due to this unloading, I need to find a new bunch. Don't know how easy that will be.