Saturday, November 21, 2009

Day 16

1:35 P.M.: Wake up. Decided to skip class because of an awful tummy ache I had the night before. I couldn't get to sleep til 4:30 A.M.

2:12 P.M.: Decide to go get my blood drawn. Something I dread due to traumatic experiences of being dehydrated and stuck multiple times. However, it wasn't bad at all. I walked out with a smile. Feel as though the rest of the day will be good

5:42 P.M.: Go out with intentions of going to MoMA but instead decide to walk to Rockefeller Center, then to Bryant Park. Am feeling particularly happy, and basically have a smile on my face throughout the walk.

7:08 P.M.: Go to Borders to read my New York magazine and start the crossword puzzle.

8:30 P.M.: Arrive back at the room. About to embark on night adventures with Party BFF.

12:11 A.M.: After browsing our neighborhood and the LES for bars that don't card, Party BFF and I decide to go to the pub. Being too nervous to actually go in anywhere, we are completely sober at this point.

3:00 A.M.: After 1 cosmopolitan, 5 Malibu bay breezes, 3 Kamikazes, and 1 joint, I proceed to puke my guts out in the bathroom of the pub. Party BFF being the wonderful person that she is, sticks it out in the bathroom with me as I cry, mumble, and projectile vomit. Then, she walks me home, as I cling to her for dear life. She gets me in my room. I sit on my bathroom floor.

5:47 A.M.: Wake up on bathroom floor. Have recovered to the point of being able to get ready for bed. Do so. Fall asleep deeply regretting my decision to get wasted tonight. Ponder writing a thank you note to Party BFF.

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