Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 3

2:30 P.M.: Wake up to a text from my friend from home that goes to culinary school in Hyde Park. He's coming in today, and we're having dinner. The last time he was here, he kissed me, much to my dismay. Hopefully this is just a friendly dinner, I know he knows I didn't want that kiss. There's just something about him that makes me not want a relationship. I'm not sure what it is.

11:58 P.M.: Culinary just left. Thank god. After a fairly pleasant outing to Rockefeller Center, we went to Mesa Grill. The food was DISGUSTING. I expected so much more from a restaurant picked by a culinary student. Anyways, he paid. I left the tip. I believe this makes it a date. He kept trying to hold my hand. I hated it and avoided by keeping hands in my pockets. Then we get back to my house to drink the wine he brought. He scarfs down 4 glasses, asks me to come sit on the bed with him, and I decline. He keeps trying to get close to me. Completely awkward. Asks me if I want him to leave. Why do people ask that. It makes the situation so uncomfortable. Anyways, he leaves.

1:37 A.M.: Sitting in my room. Bored. Wish there was something/someone to keep me entertained. My friend from home that goes to West Point is coming here on Wednesday. We've been involved off and on since 7th grade, he now has a girlfriend. I don't know if anything will happen, or if I want it to, either way, it'll be nice to see a familiar face.

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